I have been reviewed

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My favorite review described me as the cinematic equivalent of junk mail. I don't know what that means, but it sounds like a dig.
I woke up this morning to some really nice news. The reader count for iNFINITY is past 5000, a significant figure for the value of my efforts. It was nice to read the 'five - nought nought' thing as I checked out my blog for new shoutmix trails.

And then as I was busy dropping EC on some of the blogs that I visit regularly, I opened Nice2All authored by Lyndi, whom i had invited over for a review of my blog, THE iNFINITY, a few days back. And sure enough, there it was, the very day that iNFINITY's reader count touched 5000 readers. What a coincidence!

Its a really motivational piece, the review, which also made me realise that readers do look beyond content and subject matter in your blog, when they read it and Lyndi has offered quite a few suggestions as part of her constructive criticism, which I would like to work on once I am through with my current activities. you can read the review here.

But the best part of the review is the one where Lyndi quotes my Blogger profile and asserts that the dream is pretty close to reality now!

Once again, thank you so much for the review Lyndi.

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Thus spoke the wor(l)dly wise

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