Maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what.
Sorry, don't remember much, but the above quote comes from the main character of the movie 'The Pursuit of Happiness', played by Will Smith.
So I celebrated my birthday, with some elite company of course (summon google for people who share their birthdays with me).
It was indeed a bit too special, celebrating it away from my family, with friends, a select few though, because most of them had left for home on account of the festive season. You tend to get a bit carried away with things, especially, when it happens to be your final year at college, and you know, you are not going to be celebrating this special day with your friends again, at least in the same way. There were some odd dorm rituals repeated for the last time, and then the surprise from my best buddy! And of course, my mobile number has never been busier. And the best part of it... you don't need to call up other people on the big festival to wish them, because, in any case they'll surely be doing it for you!
On a serious note, the day made me realise that you need not pursue happiness all the time in the form of desires, dreams and wishes unfulfilled. Sometimes, they won't seem like coming close, howsoever hard you may try, and you might give up frustrated, calling your attempts futile shakes. And that is when you need to find happiness in everything around yourself, the seemingly cute memories, the feeling of Déjà Vu that erupts every now and then, and of course, in others' happiness, that seems to stem from yours. You don't become happy by pursuing happiness. It will always end up being a by-product, never a primary goal.
And so after times immemorial, I ended up being, well just about happy with life and all that it has been worth up until now. Was indeed a Happy birthday.
Dedicated to: Avril Lavingne!
October 29, 2008 at 10:40 AM
happy birthday again... why the weird dedication though? You could have done with me!
November 1, 2008 at 6:21 PM
because I had My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne playing on my PC, when i decided to write this. And then, I have got better things to dedicate to you!
Thanx again btw...
November 9, 2008 at 7:56 PM
nice cake... :P
November 9, 2008 at 9:38 PM
in d whole post... i get a compliment for d pic f d cake?
luks lik I shud turn it to a pictures blog! :(
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