tie[d] UP!

"If it requires a uniform, it's a worthless endeavor."
-George Carlin

The place where I have been putting up for the past three years or so in quest for my bachelor's degree in engineering, JUIT (that's Jaypee University of Information and Technology, come on google it up!) happens to be a college quite unlike one and more of a school. We have teachers, some of whom scare the gut out of us, silly attendance criterion, and hold your breath - uniform. Yes, we have a dress code, which we had been following in a rather respectable manner, with just a bit of tinkering here and there. 

But, (un)fortunately for us, the students, the autocratic authorities seem to have woken up from their slumber all of a sudden, and the uniform code is back with a - vengeance? So early yesterday (OK, when I don't have lectures, waking me up at 10 counts as early!), I had a knock on the door from one my junior friends, who's visits to my room are like the US president coming over to India. And after a round of good mornings and howdies, he came to the point - he wanted my tie! Not reading too much into it I handed him mine only to find out later in the day, that I needed to have one if I wanted entry to to the academic block of my college. After frantic search here and there just before the lecture, I managed to source one from the same friend and managed to attend my lone class for the day. 

But, it just does not stop at that. You need to have shoes - no floaters (sneakers, by the way, qualify as uniform shoes!), wear your college blazer (come on, I have worn it on just about four special occasions in the past three years) and of course you need to wear the college tie (how you wear it, is not a problem though - so you have quite a few AvriL Lavigne like (half)punks adoring the college building!) 

Me? I'm just skipping classes that I can afford to, and devising new ways to stop going around like the reality TV (shooting)star that I look like in my college uniform! I miss my time with the newspapers in the library though... it was through a blog that I got to know that Barak Obama had done it. More on it later though. For the now, somebody give me a tie, please!  

Dedicated to: Eric Clapton

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