Heads I Win... Tails You Lose

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When you have to make a choice and you don't make it, that itself is a choice.
 - William James
Blog hopping through some of the random blogs, that I happen to come upon, every other time, I found this interesting article about how some of the world's most revered companies got their names. And there was this interesting anecdote about how Hewlett-Packard, the present day hp got its name. 

The two co-founders, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, were  pretty much decided on one thing - the company was to be named after both of them. But, who's name first? So after much deliberation over what rhymes better and what might people perceive it as, if they name it one way or the other, they decided to leave it to a coin toss. And hp as we know it today was christened after Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, in that order.

That according to Dave Packard, was the only decision the two of them made in their entire life dedicated to building the IT giant, which was based on a coin toss or something like that. As he writes in his book, 'The HP Way - How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company', never again, when faced with a similar situation, did they go back to a coin or word of the fortune to come to a decision, if not logic based, the decisions that they made were at least ambition based.

That reminds me of another such character, Santiago, the shepherd boy from The Alchemist by Poelo Coelho. He happened to have a pair of so called charismatic stones gifted to him so that he could make a decision whenever he or his self, rather, was in a doubt of sorts. And the only decision that he ever made based on those stones was whether to follow his dreams or not. After that, whenever in a doubt, he knew what he wanted to do and what the world wanted him to do, and so he never had to go back to the stones.

For most part of our lives, we make all our decisions based on consolidated reasoning and  if not that, our sub conscience. And yet, time and again, we have our doubts on where our  decisions would land us. The law of averages says there's nothing as sustained luck, and good luck evens out bad luck in the long run. And that, brings me to a rather complicated conclusion - why bind yourself to the whims of a silly statistical law, when you have yourselves, to make all your important decisions for you... why toss a coin, when deep inside, you already know what you want to do. 

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