Anyways, you can read more about how I feel about Google Chrome, here.
Next up, stumbled upon another latest offering of one of google's long time of offering, the Picasa picture editor. Picasa 3 beta, though, is no more just an editor. I always had this way of using MS Windows Propreity software, where ever i can,
so nver really tried replacin MS picture gallery, that comes in bundled with MS Windows Vista with Pica
sa. That, and much more is going to change very soon though. Expect a review soon.
Seeing these new look glossy avatars of softwares that I think we have been using from times immemorial now, I began thinking about the age old old
wine in new bottle proverb. And in about an hour so , I was redressing my blog!
So in about, four months of the iNFINITY going online, I have become a blogger, serious enough to give my blog its first major makeover.
A black undertone, with more than just a tinge of green. (No doubt, its my favourite colour!) And some major overhauling with regards to where you find your favourite gadgets on board.
The Help button on the navigation bar should help you around quite well though, irrespective of the fact whether you are a regular visitor or a newbie.
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